Big Bear Valley Contractors Association
Email us for information about joining the Contractors Association.
About Us
Non-profit association of licensed contractors in the Big Bear Valley. One-year membership is $150. An Associate (non-licensed) category listing in the bi-annual directory is $20.
BBCA members are licensed and in good standing with the Contractors State Licensing Board, a division of the CA Dept. of Consumer Affairs. Members are encouraged to be part of the Community Contractor Program in conjunction with the Lighthouse Project. Community Contractors pledge to maintain clean and safe work sites, be considerate parking their work vehicles, refrain from alcohol use and foul language, and be ever mindful of children nearby.
BBCA educates contractors, promotes the construction industry, and builds good relationships with the community. he Association helps homeowners find reliable contractors, provides youth interested in the building industry with scholarships, and informs members about industry changes.
Visit the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce to pick up the current member directory in the brochure rack.

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