Bear Valley Meals-On-Wheels
Non-Profit OrganizationSenior ServicesService Organizations
About Us
Bear Valley Meals on Wheels provides in-home nourishment to the ill, disabled and elderly home bound residents throughout the Big Bear Valley. Your support makes our work possible!!
The mission of Bear Valley Meals on Wheels is, with our members, to lead the effort to ensure that individuals in our community receive daily nutritious meals and the human connection they need to enable them to live independently.
Company Overview
Bear Valley Meals on Wheels is a non-profit society dedicated to helping those unable to cook for themselves due to health or age related issues but are able to remain in their own home. We offer hot meals during the lunch hour, delivered by volunteers, Monday to Friday. Including most holidays.
Our service can be obtained for a temporary period or long term.
General Information
President – Kathy Henderson - khender21@aol.com
Vice President - Candy Hallstead - candyinbigbear@aol.com
Treasurer – Kathy Greenwood -kathygreenwood84@yahoo.com
Alpine Coffee Shop – 866-1959
Bear Valley Community Hospital – 878-8253

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