Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
About Us
The BIG BEAR AREA REGIONAL WASTEWATER AGENCY (BBARWA) was formed in March 1974 to conduct a study to develop a plan for wastewater management for the entire Big Bear Valley area. The 1975 Wastewater Facilities Plan identified the need to provide centralized, environmentally friendly wastewater conveyance, treatment and disposal for our member agencies, (the City of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City Community Services District and County Service Area 53B). Before the Regional Facility began operating, there were two plants along with numerous individual septic systems treating the Valley's wastewater.
The Service Area for BBARWA includes the entire Big Bear Valley (79,000 acres) and is served by three separate collection systems: the City of Big Bear Lake, representing approximately 47% of the connections, and the Big Bear City Community Services District, representing approximately 48% of the connections, and the County of San Bernardino Service Area 53B representing approximately 5% of the connections. Each underlying Agency maintains and operates its own wastewater collection system, and delivers wastewater to the Agency’s interceptor system for transport to the Regional Plant.