Big Bear Valley Education Trust
Non-Profit OrganizationEducationEnvironmentalTutoring
Volunteer-run organization
About Us
The mission of Ed Trust is to create interactive and engaging education opportunities to foster environmental stewardship and lifelong learning for students, community members and visitors, using the unique resources of the Big Bear Valley. Programs include BearTech, the Real World Project, the “Trusted Volunteers” Program and the Pebble Plain Ecological Reserve – Moonridge, Pebble Plain Committee.
Big Bear Elementary students learn about the Pebble Plains, Snowmaking, the Lake and Mountain Environments through hands-on study during Place-based Science Expeditions. The Real World Project brings local professionals into the high school classrooms to talk about careers. Ed Trust pays for the vetting of volunteers, community members who are retired or want to help students. The Pebble Plain Committee in collaboration with government and private organizations has established a 700+ acre Reserve to Protect the Pebble Plain habitat and surrounding forest for the enjoyment and education of all.